Thursday, February 17, 2011

How It All Started

In fall of 2009 I had a few free months between day jobs. I had quit my job as a Business Analyst for a direct sales company because I wasn't reaching my creative potential.  During that time I reawakened my love for sewing.  I went through my mother's stash of fabric and made Christmas aprons for friends and families.  I also made a baby gift set including quilt, nursing pillow, and stuffed dog for my sister's yet-to-be-born son.  I had so much fun I thought... why not sell these online? If nothing else it would feed my own fabric stash so I could make more items.  I started a Etsy shop as Jenn Bass and posted my aprons for sale.

Several months later, after a new day job and got engaged, I realized all my wonderful branding for Jenn Bass would need to change with my married name.  During a lull in my wedding planning I was invited to a start-up craft fair.  I thought: "This was my big break!  But... I need new branding!"   I also knew I wanted to bring my mother, Jeanine, along with me on this adventure.

Within days we were working on expanding our inventory, preparing our booth space, working on marketing materials, making a web site and moving the Jenn Bass Etsy store to our new Creative Tradition store.  It was so exciting! Unfortunately the craft fair was a disappointment for us.  We had 2 sales, the first of which was my fiance who wanted to support me and provide us a test of our invoice and packaging process.

We kept going with our online store and within a few more days we had our first sale!  It was one of the historic colonial Barbie dress sets my mother and I had made years and years ago.  They were so beautiful but they never sold at the holiday boutiques we went to. Now, the Barbie dresses are our number one seller!

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